Date Recovery Technologies conference

Artem Makarov aka Robin

A really important event came true! On May 15-16 main stream (HDD repair development and data recovery technologies) company Ace supported by R.Lab organized "AceLab 2008 Technologies of Information Recovery" conference in Moscow. The conference participants came from all over Russia, all the former USSR countries and several NATO countries (and not only NATO countries). I decided to visit the meeting of associates and colleagues.

The conference participants

The conference participants

First of all, virtually I knew many of them quite well, but it was my first pleasure to meet them in real life. Second, it was very interesting to listen to reports of main specialists of the Ace about new trends and technologies. And I was sure to gain a wonderful possibility to learn a lot of new and useful hints while communicating with colleagues informally.

The conference was held at the "Green Town" sanatorium 30 km away from Moscow. It is a nice quiet place in woods. As I have already mentioned, there were people not only from the former USSR, but also some foreigners from Japan, India, Iran, Spain+ Storages fail everywhere.

Асе presentsd new products, perspective designs in the area of information recovery from modern Flash carriers and memory cards. Speakers covered nuances of work with new series WesternDigital and Seagate storage, and SCSI discs. The next day there were reports on work methods with problem storage in case of user data recovery necessity.

At the breaks I was making aquaintances and getting information cards and also learned about new authorization addition for our service centre. I got a lot of cognitive information there.

Conference Participant Certificate

Conference Participant Certificate

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