Seagate 7200.11 storage failures fix
It seems that Seagate engineers have got a serious problem. New series 7200.11 disks fail all together. Though the overwhelming majority of them have warranty service, clients come to me and ask to recover data from a faulty storage before it is repaired at the warranty shop.
The main symptoms of the illness are as follows: at power on HDD accelerates the engine, recalibrates and is ready on the interface. It displays the model in BIOS correctly, but volume is equal to 0. Repairmen call this fault LBA () or "lba 0". It looks the following way by the example of disk ST3320613AS:
Faulty storage Seagate 7200.11
The fault is rooted in Seagate SCSI as the SCSI architecture formed a basis of a HDD new series Seagate 7200-11. Such behaviour is caused by failure of the microprogram part called a "translator". The translator is responsible for correlation of the storage physical addressing with Logic addressing. It takes into account zoned distribution and defect tables. For repair of such a disk it is possible to start a default self-testing cycle on it, or to count the translator with subsequent "cleaning" of the user zone and entering found faults in P-List.
Data recovery on Seagate with a disk zero volume is more complicated. It is necessary to analyse error log and grown defect list before the compiler recalculation to use a correct set of keys to the recalculation console command. Otherwise there is a risk to receive some kind of logic mix instead of intelligent data after recalculation.
The second malfunction is as follows: at power on the hard drive accelerates the engine, recalibrates and shows the state busy on ATA interface. The disk also gets locked in the terminal and does not react to commands. The disk before getting locked displays the following in the terminal:
LED:000000CC FAddr:0024A051
LED:000000CC FAddr:0024A051
Essence of failure is the same as in the LBA (), it is internal software failure. Treatment is more difficult, since it is necessary to bypass the moment of lock-frozen disk.
It is known that the manufacturer has officially recognized a bug in the microprogram, but it is not known yet whether the patch for it will be issued. It is known as well that this series disks are still actively sold and bought in the shops.